Yes it is possible and safe. It is actually a natural and innate developmental behavior!
I understand the skepticism feeding raw cuisine to kittens. I too was in the same skeptical boat.
In a world where we are drilled with commercial pet food ads, branding, commercials, products, etc., it is blinding to see anything other than what is in front of us. We have been subconsciously/consciously conditioned and brainwashed to believe and buy a certain way.
I’m here to tell you there is another way, a better way, and most importantly a way more in alignment to their species specific physiological needs, a natural way.
Feeding raw to our kittens mimics their natural developmental behavior and growth. When mama cat and her kittens live outdoors, mama begins to bring her kittens dead prey at 4-5 weeks of age. Then live prey 6+ weeks and up. Eventually they begin to hunt/kill their own prey.
This is nature’s evolutionary work. At 4-5 weeks of age, kittens begin to grow-in their canines and premolars, these are their meat tearing teeth. By 5-6 weeks of age this process is complete, and they have developed a highly potent special stomach acid necessary to breakdown meat and kill any pathogens they may consume with their prey. Their body is now prepared to consume and properly digest species appropriate raw animal protein & fat.
| Caution: an important note, the first teeth to develop/merge are the incisor teeth around 3-4 weeks of age. Many confuse the surfacing of incisor teeth for the meaning that the kitten is ready and able to eat solids, this is not the case. Incisor teeth are for grooming, not consuming. Feeding kittens solids before their canines/premolars/molars and GI tract are fully developed and prepared can cause great harm, in some cases it can be fatal.
| Fun Fact: Kittens 5 weeks of age and older can be weaned directly onto raw!
Please see THF Food List for a comprehensive all inclusive food recommendation list for both cats and dogs. Disclosing 8 Healthy Alternatives to Kibble plus recommended brands in each category providing Real Food for our Pets!
Always confirm with chosen brand before purchase, if their food is formulated for ‘all life stages’ (incl. kitten/puppy) and/or if a kitten/puppy specific formula is available.
In alignment to the kittens natural eating and feeding behaviors, the weaning process for me probably looks a little different than most. I wean them directly onto raw. At around five weeks of age I will introduce the kitten to commercial pre-made species appropriate, feline formulated raw. It is safe for their health, growth development, and contains all their essential nutrients. In my experience, kittens take to it right away and it is a very organic process and a smooth, natural, seamless transition. Kittens typically take to raw much quicker than its counterparts canned or dry foods.
| Tip: In my experience, kittens five weeks of age or older (& adult cats) who are experiencing loose stool or diarrhea, when put solely on a raw food diet will have well-formed proper poop within 12-24hrs, as long as parasites or worms are not in play! The poop is perfectly formed beautiful little brown tootsie rolls :)
I begin the weaning process by offering raw in a shallow dish at 5-6 weeks of age. It is their choice to consume or not to consume. When their bodies are fully ready, they will begin to eat the raw on their own. Until then, nursing or supplemental bottle feeding (whichever is applicable) is continued to ensure proper weight gain. Monitoring a kitten’s weight is very important and continues to remain so during the weaning process. We need to be sure they are gaining appropriate weight when transitioning from milk to solids.
| Tip: Some kittens “meat suckle” when introduced to solids. This means they are only sucking on the meat, extracting moisture as they would the nipple, and are not actually consuming or ingesting the meat/solid. So, it’s very important to always observe the weaning process and weigh the kittens after each feeding attempt to ensure proper nourishment and weight gain.
By eight weeks of age they are fully weaned, on raw :)
| Caution: it’s important to never force or rush the weaning process, and always meet them where they are. The messy “gruel” faces & paws may look cute, but that is not normal. To me that is a screaming sign the kitten is not ready for weaning. We must learn, listen, observe, and rise to meet them.
| Tip: At 5-6 weeks of age, you can also introduce the taste of raw meat by making a raw slurry/soup for them to lap up. This can be done by mixing a small amount of raw with warm water or warm kitten milk formula in a blender bottle (shake until smooth) and serve in a shallow dish. In my experience, this technique has not been needed for transition purposes, but it is an option. Again, please never force them to transition or wean, when they are ready, they will. Promise.
| Fun Fact: Adding soft raw (NOT cooked!) bones like chicken wings, chicken feet, chicken back (spine), chicken necks, & rabbit shoulders, into your kitten or adult felines routine/diet provides many great benefits!
Kittens 5 weeks of age or older can be introduced to raw meaty soft bones, as mentioned above. They are great for kitten growth & development. It provides them with cartilage, bone morrow, minerals, and calcium/phosphorous in perfect combination. They give a good cleaning out affect of the GI tract and keep anal glands regularly expressed. They also play a starring role in the development & maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. Nature’s toothbrush and teething tool!
Enjoy these two great articles: 1) Kittens & Raw Bones, 2) Raw Bones & Dental Health
| Tip: Felines two years of age and under may go directly onto raw food without a transition period
I hope you enjoyed this tidbit of information on raw feeding kittens, and learned a little along the way!
When we know better, we do better.
Angela Warrick, CARM, CAFTP
The Holistic Feline
all content is for informational purposes only.
all original written composition