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All Behavior Consultations & Plans Ceased Indefinitely

New Services & Projects To Be Announced!

The Holistic Feline

Certified Animal Reiki Master

Certified Reiki Master

Certified Crystal Reiki Master

Certified EFT/TFT Master Practitioner

Intuitive Communication

Certified Advanced Feline Training Professional

Certified Feline Training & Behavior Specialist


a scientific, holistic, intuitive approach to pet wellness & feline behavior


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The Holistic Feline & Friends

Powerful, rich, informational learning source on all things Holistic and Healthful for Our Pets! 

Follow THF Instagram and Blog + new projects to come!

Professional Engagements

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Speaking Engagements

podcasts, webinars, 

conferences, summits, 

educational talks

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Writer / Contributor

written compositions on all things holistic pet wellness and feline,

online & print

"Our Animals are Angels. They're there to help guide us, these creatures live on a whole other realm that if we click into, I think our world would be a gentler place."


- Anonymous

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